Cómo crear un Bot de Telegram con JovoPublica tu bot de Telegram con JovoApr 17, 202042Apr 17, 202042
Published inBetter ProgrammingCreate a Telegram Bot With JovoLet’s build a Jovo-based Telegram botApr 17, 20201061Apr 17, 20201061
Published inBetter ProgrammingJovo CLI With Bitbucket Pipelines CI/CDSet up your Bitbucket repository to deploy your Jovo voice appMar 6, 2020417Mar 6, 2020417
Jovo CLI With GitHub Actions CI/CDSet up your GitHub repository to deploy your Jovo voice appMar 6, 202019Mar 6, 202019
Published inVoice Tech PodcastMy first capsule on Samsung BixbyLast year I was working on some Alexa Skill project I can’t remember, when I heard about a new virtual assistant, Samsung Bixby.Dec 20, 201943Dec 20, 201943
Tutorial parte 5: Desarrolla aplicaciones de voz multiplataforma con VOXACómo crear una tabla de liderazgo para Alexa y Google Assistant.Oct 25, 201951Oct 25, 201951
Tutorial parte 4: Desarrolla aplicaciones de voz multiplataforma con VOXAIn-Skill Purchases para Alexa skills y Digital Goods para Google AssistantOct 17, 201950Oct 17, 201950
Tutorial parte 3: Desarrolla aplicaciones de voz multiplataforma con VOXALógica principal del juego, obtener perfil de usuario y guardar progreso en AWS DynamoDBOct 10, 2019100Oct 10, 2019100
Tutorial parte 2: Desarrolla aplicaciones de voz multiplataforma con VOXACómo utilizar el VOXA-CLI para descargar intents, uterancias y respuestas de una hoja de Excel de Google a tu aplicación.Oct 2, 201952Oct 2, 201952
Tutorial parte 1: Desarrolla aplicaciones de voz multiplataforma con VOXAEste es el primer artículo de una serie de 5, donde aprenderás porqué es una buena idea usar un framework multi plataforma para tu…Sep 9, 201950Sep 9, 201950
Published inBetter ProgrammingBuilding Cross-Platform Voice Apps With Voxa — Part 5How to create a visual display for Alexa and Google AssistantSep 3, 2019Sep 3, 2019
Published inBetter ProgrammingBuilding Cross-Platform Voice Apps With Voxa — Part 4Fourth part of a series on creating a cross-platform voice app in VoxaSep 3, 20191Sep 3, 20191
Published inBetter ProgrammingBuilding cross-platform voice apps with VOXA. Part 3Third part of a series on creating a cross-platform voice app in VOXASep 3, 2019Sep 3, 2019
Published inBetter ProgrammingBuilding Cross-Platform Voice Apps With Voxa — Part 2This is the second part of the series on creating cross-platform voice apps with VoxaSep 3, 2019Sep 3, 2019
Published inBetter ProgrammingBuilding cross-platform voice apps with VOXA. Part 1Getting started building a math quiz appSep 3, 2019Sep 3, 2019